Thursday, August 6, 2020

Old times sakes

A continuation of the last post. Old shit that I gone and edited and still look shit because my photography skills were below average in 2016.

Wednesday, July 22, 2020



This blog used to help me remember who I was again when I had amnesia. The issue now is that most of my photos have been hoarded in storage for 4-6 years and most the memories and sensations linked to those photos have long faded away. I don't know how good it is for my mental health to go back digging into these files, but it's not the best anyway, still don't know what I'm doing with my life. 

Location: 162 George Bolt Memorial Drive
Date taken: June 2016

This was my second time to this rusty wonderland with approx 50 rusted cars. The first time (previous post) was the first day I bought my DSLR and had no idea what I was doing. Wasn't that much better 2 years later. The reason I put the precise address on - you can do your own research on this place and why it has been completely erased by end of 2018 and how it came to be. You can even Google Earth the time lapses.

Entered these 5 pictures into a photo contest in 2016. The second one got something but the rest were probably too sad. 

Wesley College Collegean Magazine 1963 - I'm guessing this used to be David McIvor's (this makes his birth year approx 1945). Thirsty for some KIA ORA fruit squash? Who knew eggless recipes were trendy in the 60s?

Monday, July 20, 2020

Time Lapse #2

As I was saying in the last post, my exploring isn't as meticulous and ambitious as it used to be. But at least now I can edit pictures better than I used to.

Third time to Stevie's - Maybe one day I'll dig out the shots I took in 2016 when I can be bothered, but for now, let's compare it to my iPhone 5 photos with no editing.

There are now lessons for class

Window #1

I wish I could touch it and go back to that moment in time

Once can get a better view because more panes have perished

Creepiest face

Entered and left through the back way this time

The Relentless Passing of Time

It's another lifetime, another version of myself that used to explore. Priorities changed and that version of myself was forgotten. After another existential crisis thanks to the relentless passing of time, I wanted to rediscover other aspects of myself that have been buried away.

Exploring now feels very different. Less angry, less emotional, less stubborn - yes, even less passionate. But I'll give it a chance, let's give it a go.

So it's now almost 7 years since I last ventured into one of the top 10 most toxic places in NZ. I can't help but feel my framing with the iPhone 5 was better than my DSLR but then that was in perfect summer's day rather than the middle of winter. Regardless, it will be interesting to spot any differences.

The sky wasn't actually that blue - heavily edited to make it look like a halycon day. 

This house has a Japanese feeling to it

Same box different lifetime

Same window different lifetime

Reflections #1

Rolling hills

Steampunk #1

Reflections #2

Steampunk #2

Too tired to edit #1

Too tired to edit #2

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Reliving a Near Death Experience

Since my clunky 2009 Toshiba Laptop could not be revived and subsequently no photoshop, I've lived a placid life, devoid of any thrills of exploration. But whilst contemplating New Years Resolutions 2019 I yielded that Urbex is my absolute true life passion. Nothing gives me the same sense of euphoria or peace. I don't need to justify myself to anyone, it's mine.

What better way to start by reliving the closest I got to death at the Formosa Plastics Corp in the industrial plains of Kaohsiung. Without further ado or any photo editing.

The usual entry, the stripped out factory basement floor

Amuse-bouche: Keep Environment Hygienic Clean

The appetiser: Safety First

And then, that's as far as I got because I was sniffed down by packs of ravished barking dogs (of so many varying breeds - chihuahuas to angry big ones - ironically abandoned by owners). Seemed like up was the only way to go, they would totally outrun me in the fields of uncut grass. 

So for the next three hours I sit on the rooftop of this particular factory, contemplating if this was going to be my last day of life. To call the Emergency Services or not, my life would still be over. There was a great view but I really wasn't in the right frame of mind to take a photo... 

In the end I decided dying of dehydration in the scorching sun would be the worst. Cursed as I almost could not open the emergency rooftop door, because of how hard I jammed it shut with the canines metres behind me. Found some flimsy metal pipe on the wall, ripped it out. Still thank my lucky stars that the dogs got bored and left as I dashed my way out and into the nearest beverage shop. 

Friday, June 16, 2017

The Howl of Five Thousand Foetuses [Part 2]

Since I last left off [Part 1] I've gone through multiple bouts of "fuck this shit" and a few broken computers. So I can't actually remember where I hopped off my train of thought. So whatever. Some disjointed bits and pieces.

So y'all kind of knew you were doomed - just by a day or two before you got kicked out.

Cheap'n'cheerful portrait of front of hospital in its hey-day (judging from the BMW early 90's)

Pic that most whom been here has somehow taken an interest in, snapped up and posted... Why don't I join in the trend also..  (Little drug trays FYI)

And we zoom out into the floor reception


Stranger danger. Guess who is lurking behind the corner., Yes, that was why I said the stairs were creepy in my prequel blogpost 

Why so you so blue? Cuz some kid with the same name as me came here before me...

To be continued on a day when I have a clearer idea on life. 

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

To: D' Joker Ronsky

If I ever find you, whoever signed this mural - I'll be your Valentine, yours forever.

Found this in an abandoned retirement village/hospital on an abandoned mountainside town in Kaohsiung Taiwan - August 2016. Mural signed "D' Joker Ronsky" c.1999 - Valentines Day.

Yes, when I come out of my depression, I will write a post about this abandoned utopia of a mountainside. I died and went to heaven here. Almost didn't want to come back...

I'm back anyway, so Happy Valentines to All - Go Fuck Yourself

Saturday, September 24, 2016

The Howl of Five Thousand Foetuses [Part 1]

Or was it the howl of the typhoon? Yes i know i'm not the first to enter this but i bet you no one has gone in the middle of a tropical typhoon (Typhoon Nida FYI), alone.

This place specialised in cheap abortions, colonoscopies and dialysis - a private elective procedure kind of place, if you didn't qualify for the (very shitty) public health system. But because the land belonged to the Church, they didn't want another 5000 foetuses on their list of sins. So 1966-2012 RIP and the 100,000s of baby souls.


Sorry, urbex is all about breaking rules. 
And i had no other option than to kick half the door down in midst of a typhoon.

Off to the wards on Level 5! Totally PIXAR lamp themed!

Want to sit? Sign up to our dialysis package!

i really couldn't work out the purpose of this window. But who cares, it looks cool!

Welcome to the Level 6 Wards (FYI i took the creepy stairs, the elevator didn't work) 
[Augmentin = Amoxycillin + Clavulanic Acid]

Cubicle Life

Cubicle #1

Cubicle #2

Yet to be finished.