Friday, June 16, 2017

The Howl of Five Thousand Foetuses [Part 2]

Since I last left off [Part 1] I've gone through multiple bouts of "fuck this shit" and a few broken computers. So I can't actually remember where I hopped off my train of thought. So whatever. Some disjointed bits and pieces.

So y'all kind of knew you were doomed - just by a day or two before you got kicked out.

Cheap'n'cheerful portrait of front of hospital in its hey-day (judging from the BMW early 90's)

Pic that most whom been here has somehow taken an interest in, snapped up and posted... Why don't I join in the trend also..  (Little drug trays FYI)

And we zoom out into the floor reception


Stranger danger. Guess who is lurking behind the corner., Yes, that was why I said the stairs were creepy in my prequel blogpost 

Why so you so blue? Cuz some kid with the same name as me came here before me...

To be continued on a day when I have a clearer idea on life.