Best part? Walking into a zombie mannequin in a pitch black film set and letting out the biggest scream that the whole Hong Kong heard.
Didn't have a flash light or a tripod. Just me, my guts and my camera.
step 1: roll through the overgrown jungle
step 2: climb over the fence
step 3: I insist you make this your wallpaper
i wonder whose famous buttocks sat on this couch once upon a time
i wonder when was the last time this light shone - <my HK auntie said 2003>
for those who don't believe I actually set foot inside the heavily guarded facility
couldn't find bloody mary, despite being surrounded by 4 walls of mirrors
never guna be a movie star, but at least i've been on a 80's film set
abandoned corridor 101 - please make this your wallpaper if you didn't follow step 3
looking at this desk gave me tetanus
Lo Lan is now an old grandma - shows how ancient these polaroids are
bye bye